I coach individuals to help them find dreams in their eyes, clarity in their minds and love in their hearts. I am a certified Resilience Coach, Certified NLP Practitioner, Professional Listner. I am also a Dale Carnegie Certified Trainer. I have a gift. A gift of sensitivity. A gift to serve humanity. With this gift I can help those in need to be seen and heard and guided. I have more information to process than others about my environment and about people around me. With every gift comes vulnerability. Vulnerability to the negativity as equally to the positivity. The profound love I feel for everything around me, at times turns into darkness for myself, because, one can not be present without another. I am constantly working on myself to serve better. I am grounding myself. Through childhood and my teens, I have suffered not being able to express myself, even though I had vision of talking infront of large audience and influencing humanity to a better life. Specially in difficul...
R esilience was introduced into the English language in the early 17th Century from the Latin verb resilire, meaning to rebound or recoil Value origins from Latin valēre meaning to be strong, be worth Values provide us insight to what are the reasons behind the decisions we have made through our lives. For example, I Divya Srivastava, the coach of this whole program, have the core values of Serve, Inspiration and Growth.(I deduced them through a scientific framework) And since I know these values now, it is easy for me to make decisions in alignment with my values. Without discovering my core values I was lost, disoriented and was confused on which path to take. My core values keep me in peace and emotionally fulfilled. There are other values which support your core values. We do that in order for smoother transitions in life and work. Such a value is Resilience. Dr Ginsburg, child paediatrician and human development expert, proposes that there are 7 integral a...